Wanna give a huge thanks to the artists that contributed to my quest for profile pics. Im still expecting some more but I am so happy with what I have now! Here they are :D :
@LilG for the win! Thanks so much for this. This is honestly what I was hoping and expecting and I am so in love with it! You rock my socks. I feel as though I am finally and truly a Flap Jack character. Its exactly what I wanted and you went all out. You have my heart.
My second submission was from @Deathink <3 Super dupper cute. Cant get over it honestly. It really means alot to me that you would take the time to make this. Its such an honor.
I plan on switching my profile pics between these and maybe a couple of other pics once they come but I am SERIOUSLY so fucking impressed and I cant thank you guys enough for doing this. It truly means the world to me and I am forever grateful.
Today also marks the end to one of my prized possesions. One of my Train Schedule, "throw in your purse" notebooks was pretty instantely filled with puzzle/pointnclick game notes and has sadly run out of pages. RIP you beautiful chaotic mess and thanks to all of my fav game developers that have helped:
@selfdefiant @tirod2000 @DeathTiger0 @kai3114 @FM-Studio @ZeroDigitZ @Psionic3D @RustyLake
Heres a short gif I made. I can probably fill in abit more space but its gotta go in my Scrap Box soon. I probably wont be buying a new one. I found its been quite easy to try notes into my computers "notepad" but to draw clues... hmm. I wonder if you guys recognize some of the notes. Its kind of all over the place. I didnt do it consecutively at all.
Love your games. Hope to see some more stuff from you guys soon. Just know your work is EXTREMELY appreciated by me. Im a fan for life! <3
Hope everyone has a lovely day. Gonna step out for Soba Noodles in a bit. Enjoy the summer.