TOP 10 FOR JANUARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was expecting alot more awesome games from Pixel Day and was kind of dissapointed but the ones that were grand were
Really enjoyed The Splitting by @FireberryStudio. Came right at the end of January but really left a great mark hence why its Number 1 on my list. Seems to be more episodes coming as well, so Kudos to that. Hopefully we dont have to wait too long.
Insanitorium by @selfdefiant was exactly what I love about Point and Click Games. A little on the scary side (which is right up my alley) His work is always magnificent, hence why he made it twice.
Khonjin House: The Trilogy by @Khawner is the only video to make my list this month. Its fucking hectic and chaotic but damn is it fucking funny.
Stalked out his Youtube and he seemed to have combined episodes he has there to an epic, just short of 15 minute gem. Really excited to see more of his work here on NG. I just dont Youtube as much as I probably should.
Great Job to all the other artists: @ElJayPlay @SeethingSwarm @DBuck-Eye @08jackt @headbang33
Thanks so much!!